

2024年6月9日- 10月13日


地点:Hamlin Park (3035 N Hoyne Ave)

Shop fresh produce, breads, pastries, cheeses, coffee, honey, nuts and so much more! 此外,享受家庭友好的活动和 free workouts (scroll down under vendor list to view workout schedule) 整个市场季节. 通过优先考虑专用, 社区步行即可到达当地农民和制造商, the market will be a hub of sustainability for shoppers and vendors alike. The Market proudly accepts Illinois LINK card users for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.


  • 1902年有限公司 is a minority owned business; 女人 baker that features artisan sourdough bread and sourdough baked goods including cookies, 佛卡夏, 等.

  • 葱属植物百吉饼 is a Chicago-based bagel company featuring 手工制作的 bagels and allium-inspired cream cheese.

  • Broune甜点 is a minority and 女人-owned local Southport business that makes Small batch handcrafted gourmet brownies and cookies. 他们使用当地能找到的最好的食材, 味道的组合会让你大吃一惊.

  • 飞行企鹅农场 is a micro farm that specializes in sustainably grown cut flowers and select vegetables.

  • 四星级手工咖啡 少数人拥有的是小企业吗 & local coffee roaster that specializes in handcrafted small batch coffee and candles.

  • 哈特兰高级肉类 is a cooperative of family farms in northeastern Indiana and offers a wide selection of premium beef from J&C Nicodemus家庭农场和Frazier农场猪肉.

  • 喜怒无常的茶 是黑色的, 女人, lgbtq+ owned business that will sell loose leaf teas and tisanes blended to boost your mood in a variety of flavors. 他们也提供热茶和冰茶(取决于天气)。.

  • Parra农场 提供水果,蔬菜,鸡蛋,辣椒和圣女果.

  • pHlour面包店 你需要的烘焙食品都准备好了吗:牛角面包, 丹麦, 蛋卷, 松饼, 肉桂卷, 还有新鲜出炉的面包. 有益健康的. 手工制作的. 丰富的.

  • Southside研磨咖啡公司. is a Chicago based black 女人 owned coffee company that began as a coffee roaster with a mobile espresso bar. They continue to build 社区 and fill the large caffeination gaps within the city’s South Side.

  • 辣的女孩 is a two-women owned business creating vegan hot sauces using natural ingredients and guaranteed gluten free!

  • 斯坦普奶酪公司 will have Yummy homemade cheese that is smoked, aged and ready for you to bring home!

  • 玉米粉蒸肉表达 是当地所有的,供应玉米粉蒸肉, 炸玉米饼, 鳄梨色拉酱, 玉米, 芒果, 柠檬水, 素食/无麸质糕点, 软饮料和瓶装水

  • 面包屑什么? is a 女人-owned business that specializes in classic southern and midwest baked goods such as St. 路易式奶油蛋糕, 白脱牛奶饼干, 酥饼, 烤饼, 次失误, 还有手工烘焙粉.

  • La Juicy Jars is a 女人-owned business that produces 100% natural juices and sea moss products to help heal holistically, 特别关注血压, 胆固醇, 糖尿病, 促进新陈代谢, 湿疹和自然能量.

  • 光+爱 肥皂有非转基因,植物皂,固体洗发水,护发素 & 身体黄油. Ingredients are carefully selected with an eye towards creating sustainable, 不含邻苯二甲酸酯和SLS的产品是不残忍的.

  • Dar果仁蜜饼 少数人拥有的小企业是否更健康, 手工制作的, 优质的高蛋白果仁蜜饼, 低糖, and minimal syrup (hence our slogan "No Sticky Fingers") with 80% nuts in every piece as individual snacks (50 gm) and gift boxes (450 gm).

  • 爱你查克拉护肤 是一家女性所有,姐妹所有的企业,生产纯天然沐浴浴 & 身体产品配对清洁, skin-loving ingredients with the ancient knowledge of aromatherapy and chakras to protect and nourish your skin while boosting your mood and improving your emotional well-being.

  • 戴利的甜甜圈 is a local 女人-owned business that makes delicious donuts in a variety of flavors that are Baked Fresh Daly. 口味包括:烤肉桂糖甜甜圈, 烤肉桂糖Dunkers(甜甜圈洞), 烤巧克力油条甜甜圈, 烤巧克力蘸甜甜圈

  • 艾琳的高级餐厅 is a small business focused on the highest quality ingredients to serve our wonderful 社区! 采购产品烘焙食品,面包,咖啡,准备食品

  • dzough will be selling chickpea bark that is gluten free, dairy free, vegan and nut free! 想象一下你最喜欢的巧克力树皮,但更好!

  • 芝加哥维克车站 candles represent each neighborhood and what we love (or hate) about them with a witty quip and quality product.

  • 水獭橡树农场 同性恋者拥有吗, 小型城市农场,种植和销售各种蔬菜, 水果, 还有受创造力价值启发的草药, 社区, 可及性和整体性.

  • 多才多艺的你™️ 是一个香薰蜡烛的自我护理品牌吗, Área Mists and Natural Skincare that provides you with a holistic experience through sensory healing.

  • 严格的大杂烩 有珍本书籍, 棒球手套, 古董和工匠珠宝, 旧乐谱和其他古怪的古董.

  • Candyality 是黑人, 拉蒂娜, 还有女人开的店,卖糖果, 棉花糖, 爆米花, 糖果, 美味巧克力等!

  • 坚果带走 is a minority owned business and has fresh roasted almonds, cashews and pecans made on site. 口味包括香草和烤威士忌.

  • 坚果胜过枣 是保健食品店吗. Their products are made with simple, natural ingredients and are vegan, gluten-free, raw. There is no added sugar, preservatives, or oil, so you can snack guilt-free.

  • 洛斯罗德里格斯农场 is a family owned farm that strives to have the finest 水果s, vegetables, flowers, plants and honey.

  • 接地药剂师有浴 & 采购产品身体产品,海苔,酊剂. 补养药, 镁雾喷雾, hair oil and loose-leaf tea that are 手工制作的 with the highest quality ingredients.

  • 简洁的食物 is a 女人 owned business that harvests their own olives and presses their own olive oil. 所有产品都是100%未经过滤的天然产品.

  • 玩笑 女性拥有50%的股份吗. 他们将农场的新鲜风味融入烤饼等烘焙食品中, 肉桂卷, 果酱酒吧, 水果馅饼和新鲜的佛卡夏面包.

  • Regal Mutt面包店+精品店 有高级狗粮吗. 天然有机饼干. 单一成分和单一来源的牛肉干. 人类和狗的生活用品. 女性少数族裔拥有并每季度回馈社会.

  • 多萝西的面包店 主要是酸面包、百吉饼三明治和糕点. The foundation of Dorothy’s is creating products that highlight local ingredients in an approachable and delicious way.

  • 宇宙宠物面包店 is a 拉蒂娜 owned Pet bakery specializing in single ingredient treats at bake goods for cats and dogs.



参加一个以低冲击为重点的全身锻炼小组, 在50分钟或更少的时间里做一些小的运动来增强和调节身体.






Get a high-intensity workout through choreographed dances set to a variety of music genres. JAM is all about how freedom of movement shared with others can help boost your mental & 身体健康.






Strength and Tone Pop-Up with Bertrand and Etienne: This class will offer participants insights and practice into how "time under tension" with low joint impact can be a game changer in your personal fitness journey. 





市集于六月九日至十月十三日每周日上午九时至下午一时举行, 2024, 在哈姆林公园操场附近的操场上. 我们很快就会公布地点! If you are interested in becoming a vendor, learn more and fill out the application 在这里. 申请截止日期为6月19日星期三. 在此日期之后,我们将不接受任何供应商. 


While our 罗斯科村农贸市场 vendor booths are dedicated only to locally grown and produced food and craft vendors, our Community Partner program gives other local businesses a way to reach market-goers. 我们的合作伙伴支持市场的继续存在, which makes our neighborhood a more attractive and valuable place to live and do business. 了解更多并申请 在这里.


赞助商ing the market is a great marketing tool for your business and shows your commitment to support access to fresh and local vendors! 通过来个加拿大28的APP的团队了解更多关于赞助的机会 在这里.


志愿者s are needed to assist with market setup, breakdown, LINK, and managing the info tent. Helping out at the market is a great way to get involved with the 社区. 报名 在这里 去市场做志愿者!
